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Design Engineering

Engineers at LM76 have over 100 years of linear bearing, shafting and slide design experience. In short, there's very little we haven't seen - "we know a thing or two." 

"When Others think catalog...We think Solution."


Experience Matters

Linear Bearing Design



LM76 is first and foremost a sleeve bearing design company. Our roots go back to 1938 and our original company J.C. Tarbell Associates. In 1938, J.C. Tarbell became one of the first distributors of Chrysler Amplex Oil Impregnated Bronze Bushings - a major design breakthrough and the first self-lubricating bearing material to be brought to market. Since that time, we have become the leading authority on plain bearing materials employed in linear motion applications. The company is now under the direction of John Tarbell, a third generation owner and our president. LM76 specializes in all sleeve bearing materials, ball and roller technology. We are a specialist in FDA, USDA, Dairy, Poultry, Medical and Pharmaceutical applications. LM76 is known and proven for caustic washdown applications.

Linear Shafting Design


Choosing the correct shaft material is critical to any linear application. We work with class L Rc60, 440C, 420C, 304SS and 316SS. We have complete machining facilities for all special designs. 

Linear Slide Design



LM76 has not had one of our special linear slides returned or one which did not successfully fulfill its operation expectations. We are best know for difficult, high load applications. 

Commitment to Our Customers.


I say this to everyone I meet when discussing LM76, "We're the Good Guys." We look to make sure you get a linear product that you need, not one you're stuck with. We ask that next question and go the extra mile to ensure application and final design success. 

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